The game of sequence is an exciting game of strategy. It is simple to learn and fun to play. The following are the sequence game rules.
• Can be played with 2 players or 2 teams. If playing in teams be sure to divide the players evenly and teammates are sitting opposite each other. (3 player game can also be played, but will required another set of different color chips – not included).Object of the Game:
• To successfully get 2 Sequence Stands (5 chips of the same color) in a row.Before play begins:
• Each player or team should choose one color of chips.
• Players cut the deck, with the lowest card going first. (Aces are high)
• Dealer will deal out the same number of cards to each player.
o In the case of two players, each player gets 7 cards.
o In the case of two teams, each player gets 6 cards.
o The remaining cards form the draw pile to use through the game.On your turn:
• Your turn will consist of 4 steps.
1. select a card from your hand that matches a vacant spot on the board.
2. discard this chosen card face up in the pile.
3. place 1 of your colored chips on the matching space on the game board.
4. draw a new card from the deck.
o In the sequence game rules it states that if you fail to take a card before the next player takes their turn you lose the right to draw a new card and must finish the game with less cards.
Special spaces:
• The game board has four special spaces. One in each corner. These spaces are bonus spaces. When using a corner only four additional cards are necessary to complete a sequence. More than one player can use the same corner space. For example: it can be used in both a horizontal sequence for one team and a diagonal sequence for another.Special cards:
• two eyed Jacks are wild and may be used for any space on the board. On your turn, discard the wild jack and place your chip on any unoccupied space on the board.
• One eyed Jacks are wild and may be used to remove a chip from the board. Only chips that are not part of a completed sequence may be removed from the board. Place the jack in the discard pile and remove the chip of your choice.
Dead Card:
• A card that you cannot play because it already has a chip on it is a dead card. This happens when a wild card is played to take that space and leaves you with a card you cannot play. On your turn, place the unusable in the discard pile.
• Let everyone know that you are replacing an unusable card and take a new card from the deck. Your turn then continues as normal.
• To win you must complete 2 sequence strands. A sequence is achieved when you have a row of 5 chips of the same color. This can occur in any direction, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. You may use any 1 of the spaces from your current Sequence Strand in the 2nd sequence.
• The sequence game rules can be altered for three players or three teams. It is played in the same manner as two players except only one sequence strand is necessary to win.Items you will need:
o Sequence game sheet
o 2 sets of chips (Different colors)
o 2 decks of cards shuffled together
o 2 or 3 people or 2 or 3 teams
(3 Player games requires another set of different color chips – not included).
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