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                                   Table Crib
•    Can be played with 4 players made up of 2 teams.
Object of the Game:  
•    To create 5 rows totalling the best crib hands possible.  
•    Each row will be totalled separately and then they will all be added together.  
•    It is easiest to keep track of your rows and your opponents’ rows if you sit diagonally from your partner and turn the crib board, so your rows make a line from you to your partner (Figure 1).  Your opponent's rows will make lines running from one of them to the other (Figure 2).  
•    First team to 121 points, wins the game.
Before play begins: 
•    Each player draws a card from the deck. Low card deals. In case of a tie, tied players draw again.
•    Teams will determine which direction they will be playing 
The Deal:
•    The deal starts with the player to the dealer's left and progresses clockwise. 
•    Each player is dealt six cards. Players may look at their own cards.
•    Following the deal, the player to the dealer's right cuts the deck. 
-    This card is the Cut Card and is positioned face up in the center of the Table Crib board.
Now the play begins! The player left of the dealer starts the round by placing one card face up onto one of the open squares on the Table Crib board.  The game progresses clockwise to the next player, and each player strategically places their card to yield the best scoring or blocking opportunity. Soon, cribbage hands will start to develop both horizontally and vertically. You're not allowed to signal or discuss play with your teammate during the round.
•    The center column is your home row and center row is the other team’s home row. Opponents can not play on your home row, and you can not play on their home row.  
Finish the Round:
•    When all cards have been played, the round is complete and scoring of the hands commences.
•    After the playing board is filled, each team totals their respective points for the five hands. 
•    Counting starts with the non-dealing team 
•    Count across the hand in row 1 and write down the score.  Continue counting each row(hand).  
-    There will be 5 in total for each team.
-    Add the 5 scores together for your teams total score for that hand.  
-    Then the dealing team follows the same procedure to total their five rows.  
Crib Scoring:
Hand    Scores
Fifteen (total of two or more cards=15)    2
Pair (ex. Q, Q)    2
Three of a kind (ex. 3, 3, 3)    6
Four of a kind (ex. 4, 4, 4, 4)    12
Runs of three or more cards (ex. 3, 4, 5)    1 for each card
Double three-card run, including pairs (ex. 5, 5, 6, 7}    8
Double four-card run, including pairs (ex. A, A, 2, 3, 4)    10
Triple run, including the 3 of a kind (ex. A, A, A, 2, 3)    15
Quadruple run, including pairs (ex. 5, 5, 6, 6, 7)    16
Flush, five cards of a suit    5

Items you will need to play: 
o    Table Crib Sheet
o    1 Deck of cards (No Jokers)
o    2 players or 2 teams
o    Score Sheet





Table Crib

SKU: 0007

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